Best books and resources for Medical School Cell Biology, Histology, and Embryology and the NBME 2024

We know that getting a consensus on the best books and resources for any given class can be difficult. Asking friends, searching SDN, and consulting seniors can provide a confusing mixed bag of advice.

Turns out, we've done the work for you. Compiled below are comprehensive recommendations on the best books and resources. Click here to find out how we ranked each resource as well as a description of the tiers used. Happy studying!


Highest Yield — The best cell, histology, and embryology book for medical school

BRS Cell Biology and Histology — Gartner & Hiatt

As cell courses, for the most part, are heavy on the handouts and powerpoints that are given to students, it's often not necessary to go crazy on the texts. Cell biology is a consolidated, thorough review of cellular biology and histology, written concisely in an outline based format with high yield questions at the end of each chapter.  

High-Yield Cell and Molecular Biology — Dudek

A short, 151 page review text written in an easy-to-read, outline based format. Great to cram days before the NBME exam as well as to review concepts quickly before in-house exams. 

High-Yield Embryology — Dudek

Really the only embryology text you'll need. Only 176 pages with great diagrams that show well the different cleavage and folding patterns of embryologic growth. Each chapter ends with clinical correlations that are especially high yield for in-house and NBME exams.

Next Steps

Blue Histology

A repository of histology slides and images as well as quizzes where you can input exactly what you want to be tested on; quizzes are both identification of tissue/cell-type questions or standard, word-based multiple choice questions. A great, free and comprehensive way to quiz yourself. 

Histology World

Similar to Blue Histology. Plenty of quizzes to help understand high yield topics in addition to flashcards, videos, pictures, and even games.

If you have time

Histology: A Text and Atlas: With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology — Ross & Pawlina

Paragraph based histology text complete with tons of illustrations and histology slides. A well organized reference text if you feel like you need more detail or if you are planning on going into Pathology.